Sunday, 10 November 2013





-French Revolution

a) French Culture
b) Democratic Systems
c) Abolition of all feudal privileges revoked degrees aristocratic.
d) Elimination of tax system
e) The raid on the Bastille
f) Eliminate the old order
g) Social Justice
h) Individualism




The  revolution is a movement of one object around a center or another object, a forceful overthrow of a government by the people or any sudden or grand change and  line rotation as the revolution of a wheel of a top of the earth on its axis etc (Ruse, C. 1988). An example of revolution is movement of the earth around the sun and the war fought between the colonial people and Great Britain. European society  had experienced rapid social changes resulting three revolution of  agricultural revolution, industrial revolution and French revolution.
The agricultural revolution was a period of agricultural development between the 18th century and the end of the 19th century, which saw a massive and rapid increase in agricultural productivity and vast improvements in farm technology.(Bellis,M.). The industrial revolution is a rapid development in industry, the development which took place in England in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, chiefly owing to the introduction of new or improved machinery and large-scale production methods. [Oxford English Dictionary (OED)]. The French Revolution was a crucial event in Western History, and possibly the single most crucial influence on British intellectual, philosophical, and political life in the nineteenth century. It presented itself as a triumph in it early stages but later proved to be a revolution of senseless revenge. With a mob composed of mainly animal, like Madame Defarge. (Rempel, Gerhard .2012). Among the three most had left a profound impact on the social thinking of the West is French revolution. The French Revolution (1789) is one of the most cruel periods recorded in history.
This event occurs with the development of European society in terms of economic and political, family and municipal systems. for the development of European society in terms of economic are  excessive production of goods in the manufacturing sector has also led to the need it exported overseas. In the 1820's, the cotton mills of Manchester and Leeds to produce textiles in quantities that can not be absorbed into the local market. Cotton and clothing exports from England to increase at a rate of 10 percent per year between the years 1783-1792 and more than 17 percent between the years 1792-1802. These items represent three-quarters of total exports between the years 1795-1805 and the increase was largely due to improvements in production techniques (Mathias, 1963). Production of cotton goods on a large scale leads to the need for the innovation. With this, economic growth has increased after the occurrence of revolution. While,  politically are the idea of socialism in the early stages developed in the 1830's. A citizen of France, Claude Henri de Saint-Simon is an important early socialist thinkers. He urged the government to nationalize all factories, planned economic development and social welfare development. Robert Owen (1771-1858) is also well-known British thinkers who believe that the system should be humanitarian and profit. He pays high wages for workers, provide a good system for employee housing, education for children and work a short time (10 hours). In terms of family are before the  revolution, most of the population live in rural areas of England and the bond is very strong familial tradition. Their lifestyle too easy and there is no attempt to change the way of life. Marriage among the youth was also arranged by parents. This situation changed when many people get jobs in the city. Kinship bonds became loose. Jobs in City produce a challenging lifestyle. They are now more independent, and willing to risk their job performance gain appreciation. Talent and wealth of success and not become hereditary status. And lastly the development of European society in the township are European society at that time was divided into two parts, those who led and those who lead. The leaders are known as kings and nobles. Given nobility and served the crown land to the king known as the 'Vassal'. Under this vassal there is nobility and aristocracy second third (Jayaudin Jamaudin. 2002). Royal power was found to decrease. Power is distributed to those great masters / ground (Lords) who have privileges and immunities. Only the powerful kings as large as the first Carolingians can unite them.


The French Revolution marked the beginning of prodigious changes that would affect world history. There are six effects of the french revolution.


The French Revolution 1789 is the starting point where it is a significant milestone in the European community. This is because it is regarded as the dividing line between the old rules with the new rules. Revolution took place during the six-year period beginning in 1789 and ending in 1799. In addition, the French Revolution was also said to be among the most important of the other revolutions that occurred including the American Revolution (1776) and the English Revolution (1688). Through this event the old social system of feudalism was said to have been replaced by a system of open society. This can be seen in the system of feudalism where status or social class position of a society that was based on the rights, powers and benefits passed through generations in the community. But through the open community that has fought in the French Revolution, it has indirectly managed to disable the feudal system by making one is no longer seen in terms of the rights, powers and benefits but also the status of a person will be seen based on talent and ability that is on himself.
Things have induced the French revolution is of which is through the role of intellectuals themselves. They have played their part in the spread of new ideas which affect people. However, there are also other factors that led to this revolution, and the effects arising from the outbreak of the French Revolution. If seen before the French revolution. people were among the most widely experienced oppression from the government but no longer by their reaction against the government. This is because of people, especially in Europe lack of awareness about their rights as well as religious influence which they require citizens must obey the government as a result of the influence of the church is too strong. Every direction issued by the king to be obeyed. For example, the people will accept only their dignity humility of princes and priests because they do not know of another way to improve their lives. (Vovelle, M. 1984).

a) French Culture

Significant effect of the French Revolution was the spread of French culture by Napoleon through the Great French War. Napoleon would "appropriate all of Western European culture as French" (Effects, 1998). This can be seen primarily in fashion as well customs. The Great French War allowed the spread of French fashion throughout Europe. French fashion has a profound effect on the runway even in a modern sense. The world of contemporary fashion is ruled mostly by French (mostly Parisian) clothiers including: Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Dior, Hermes, and Yves Saint-Laurent. Also during the Revolution citizens began dressing more modestly. Men and women began cutting hair closer to their scalps, and some wealthy men began wearing beggar clothing, while women wore "fashions which imitated the thin gowns of the ancient Pagan Greeks," (Effects, 1998). The peasants were dressing as poorly as ever. Human customs changed dramatically: men no longer raised their hats to ladies, obscene graffiti appeared everywhere on walls, and with the reformed calendar (10 days), men began shaving more infrequently, (Effects, 1998).

b) Democratic Systems

The most influential effect of the French Revolution was the shift from Absolute Monarchy to Republicanism. This not only reduced the power of a single individual but transferred the power to the citizens. France was the largest European nation to convert to Republicanism at the time. The revolution played a monumental role in "establishing the precedents of such democratic systems as elections, representative government, and constitutions." The constitution of 1791 made significant changes to the political system of France. It limited the power of the monarch and created a federal governmental system complete with three branches. The 1st republic of France was established in 1792 existing until the military dictatorship of Napoleon in 1804. Despite France returning to a military dictatorship after the Revolution a democratic seed had been planted within the hearts of the Frenchman. (M, Michael.2001).

c) Abolition of all feudal privileges revoked degrees aristocratic.

Feudalism conventionally denotes the type of society and the political system originating in western and central Europe and dominant there during the greater part of the Middle Ages. However, the term is also applied to other societies and systems of government with similar characteristics, in antiquity and in modern times; in the Marxist usage it refers to a type of society and economy characterized by serfdom, generally succeeding the economic systems based on slavery and preceding capitalism. All the people no longer see the same people who try to take advantage of the weak. (Coulborn, Rushton.1956).

d) elimination of tax system

On August 4, the nobles agreed to abolish the old tax structure in an effort to quell the destruction of their property. Under the old system, which had been in place since the early Middle Ages, nobility did not pay taxes. This left the masses of poor paying the entirety of the tax load for the country. This was replaced with a universal tax system, and the violence stopped. This represents a fundamental shift in the makeup of French society. (Mercadante. M), For example, up until the time of the revolution, the church had almost unlimited power over certain areas of society, something that completely shifted after 1799. According to experts, the Revolution brought about the "France," abolishing the power of the clergy over financial issues, as well as transforming priests into state employees who now had obligations and limitations that went beyond their roles in the church. As the years went by, repression of anything related to the Catholic Church became more obvious, and even resulted in the occasional massacre of priests. Thus, tax payments to the church known as pay tithes to church no more. The purpose of this fee is for religious and church repair. (Dray, S.).

e) The raid on the Bastille

The raid on the Bastille on July 14, 1789, resulted in a fall of the Bastille this situation as Paris and rioting mob attacked the Bastille prison that led many freed prisoners. Paris Moa was the king against the third estate consisted of the ordinary people, lawyers, doctors and businessmen who have the support of the poor. This situation also happens is that as a result of illness and faced drought causes food price rises and consequently also the people of Paris were rioting to demand food. Besides that,  Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès (1748–1836) trained as a priest and became assistant to a bishop. He had no religious vocation, however, and his fame arose as the author of a highly influential pamphlet, published in January 1789, on the strength of which Sieyes was elected a deputy to the Estates-General. Four editions or 30,000 copies of the book came out within months of its appearance, at a time of heightened consciousness that great changes were afoot.( Gendzier, S.J. 1967).

f) Eliminate the old order

The French Revolution not only radically altered the societal makeup of the French people, it also permanently weakened the French monarchy by binding it to a national constitution. The monarchy of France never again regained its former absolute power, and the influence of this spread throughout Europe, destabilizing other monarchies. Unlike the American Revolution of the same time, the French did not completely replace their government. They simply restructured it, creating the first consitutional monarchy. The monarchy remained a force of governmnent in France for much of the following century. The American Revolution, however, completely abolished rule by monarchy, replacing it from the start with a less powerful executive who must be elected by the people. For exampale, to calm the rioting situation that existed Assembly passed a decree in August 1789 to remove the old order or sisitem feudal serfdom. Right gentry farmers try and hunt on their land and the payment of fees to the church by the farmers have been lifted. In fact, all people whether rich or poor are equal before the law and all the people should the taxpayers.         (Mercadante. M).

g) Social Justice

The signing of the Declaration of Rights of Man despite being at the beginning of the French Revolution was a very important effect. France's new constitution was revolutionary in France. It gave French men rights and freedoms with the slogan "libert, egalit, fraternit" epitomizing the intent of the document. Many other social changes followed. Feudalism was abolished during the Revolution and would return to France. The pre-revolution society disappeared as well. It was no longer assembled by layers, with each layer possessing different rights and freedoms. Occupations were opened to all applicants allowing the most ambitious and successful to rise and putting no emphasis on class. The Revolution also provided us with "the most influential model of popular insurrection," (Kaiser, 2006) against the Monarchy. Both the Russian Revolution and Tiananmen Square protests have been inspired by the French Revolution.( Kaiser & Thomas,  2006).

h) Individualism

individualism means 'individual efforts to improve the living standards of ourselves without blocked by anyone'. This kind of situation is against the philosophy of the middle ages where social status depends on their membership in a familiar organization, whether union, monastri or specific positions in the feudal system. Individualism values were observed in Italy at the time of the Renaissance. This results in human flow is more concerned with matters related to humans in Italy. This development has resulted in the ideal individual at the time of the Renaissance are individuals who realize their potential and succeed in everything that they undertake. As a result of this trend, people are more concerned with aspects related to the human, actually realize the ability and potential to be successful in all areas of work. These thoughts flow effects can be observed in the Italian art patron ordered the painters and sculptors to produce their favorite works and signing on the work it produces.
Association Council has also made a Declaration of Rights recognizing humanity sake only and not intended for the French people even to all the people around the world. In this declaration preformance outlines namely the three principles of freedom, equality and brotherhood It includes, among others utter freedom, and freedom of thought and freedom of religion or the right to choose. (Robert N. Bellah .1996).


In conclusion, effects of the French Revolution not only felt by the French but by almost every country in the modern world. Whether it is through the spread of democracy, equality, social justice, social thought europe, removal and collapse of the feudal system or individualism, the impact of the proportion. Formation of nation-states in Europe has abolished the feudal system and thus have caused the kingdom under a single ruler. between the three revolutions that brought the most profound effect was french revolution. Although for only twelve years, the effects can be seen through the history of the 200 years following this period influential. Considering the economic, political, family and municipal prolonged, I think that the French Revolution was successful.


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